Become Posterwa Captain!!!

Become Posterwa Captain!!!

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Welcome to Posterwa, fellow Captains. The moment you join this group, you become a Captain of Posterwa. But what is Posterwa? Posterwa is more than an ecommerce brand; it's a community driven by fans. Fans curate the products, and we bring them to fans at the most affordable prices. Anime, sports, TV shows, movies, and pop culture as a whole have always inspired, uplifted, and left a lasting impression on humanity. We bridge the gap between fans and their fandoms by offering them top-of-the-line products.

Our Posterwa Captain community is a tight-knit group of fans from different fandoms who want to help us reach fans all around the world. Captains are the ones who help these fans by providing them with what they aspire to have in their fandom.

What are Posterwa Captains?

Captains are like the captains of a ship that sails our boat (Posterwa Stall) in adventurous waters (Events). They help us sail smoothly by guiding the masts of the ship and enjoying the journey. Their basic duties include taking care of the ship (Posterwa Stall) and the passengers (Fans or Customers). Their biggest duty is to emotionally connect with the passengers on their ship (talking about their fandom, learning their interests in the pop culture space). They should never be rude, cranky, or irresponsible, as it will only lead to the sinking of the ship (you know what we mean).

How do you start your first adventure?

State your availability in the group when we put out a poll. Be active and vigilant in the group. Be curious. Be punctual and cooperative with your Pirate (non-cooperation can lead to deductions from your pirate).

How will you get paid?

If it’s your first adventure (stall), then you need to wait for your payroll, which is counted from the second adventure (stall) onwards. The payroll is done on an hourly basis and also depends on the revenue generated at that particular stall where you participated. The total payment for a month is released on or before the 7th of the next consecutive month. We also provide reimbursements for food, accommodations (if any), and traveling expenses only if you are going out of the base city.

Why do you want to become a Captain for Posterwa?

Captains not only learn how to survive in the wild, sell a pitch, learn marketing, and soft skills but also help fans connect with the fandoms they love immensely. Captains are the ones who not only help these lost fans find their fandom products but also deeply connect with them, understand them, and make them friends. There have been long-lasting friendships created on many adventures.

How can Captains become Pirates?

You sail many successful adventures as a captain, which gets you recognized by Admirals, leading to a promotion to Pirate. Also, there are reward points given by your pirates after every stall, which can either penalize you or promote you to Pirate. If you get penalized more than three times, your captain's hat is taken away, but if you earn reward points more than six times, you get a chance to become a Pirate.

What are the duties of a Pirate?

A pirate is the Captain of Captains. They take care of every captain at a stall. From picking up stock to setting up the stall, our Pirates manage every aspect, big or small. They are responsible for beverages and food, and they never let the jolly mood of Posterwa down. The pirate's main focus is to keep the spirit of Posterwa intact at every stall.

How can you work in other types of Adventures?

Our adventure isn’t just about running ships; we have many other side quests. Content Generation, Digital Marketing, Ecommerce Management, and Operations are some of them. Additionally, Posterwa runs many gigs and provides routine internships. Be active in this group, and you will find yourself landing such opportunities.

What if you are still lost?

You can always call on your pirate or admiral anytime when you are lost. Pirate Vamshi (+917892616637) and Pirate Krishna (+919148500434) will always help you out. If you have a pressing matter, Admiral Bhanu (+919066181934) is available.

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